
News & Goings On
THE BUMP memories
Many thanks to Tony Hodgetts for the following reminisces (click here for more about The Bump).
At 12 years old in the early 1950s I got a job in the projection room at the Bump, when most kids my age delivered newspapers. A chap named George Cooper taught me to show the films. I did 2 hours a night for a while but with my enthusiasm it soon became more and more and I got quite good at it.
After about 12 months George was made manager so i was left showing films on my own Monday to Saturday nights but no Sundays.
George was a twin whose brother Fred was manager of the Red Robin grocery store in the village. Their sister was a district nurse/midwife in the Sedgley and Gornal area in the late forties.
When i left school in 1953 I carried on full time as chief projectionist until I left there in 1957 having got a job out of the trade, before being conscripted into the forces in 1958. Ironically The Bump closed down on the 24th September 1966, the day and month I was born.