News & Goings On
BE PREPARED! Help Gornal Scouts
1st Upper Gornal Scout Group has been running since 1957 and is looking forward to celebrating 50 years of scouting in 2007, at a time when the Scout Movement itself celebrates its centenary.
The Group is very active with approximately 50 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, but unfortunately finds itself short of leaders.
In terms of leadership the Cub section is healthy, but both Beaver and SCout sections require strengthening. This need has become particularly acute recently due to illness.
At present the group only caters for boys but in line with the Scout Movement's policy the intention is to open up to girls and boys by 2007. To facilitate this process a mixture of male and female leaders is required.
If there are any Yampy readers who would be interested in becoming involved in helping young people between the ages of 6-14 years, please get in touch with David Moss, Group Scout Leader, on 01902 893570.