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5th February 2004

Tough on Culture, Tough on the Causes of Culture

Dudley Council's Lead Member for Culture and Leisure explained last night why he remains determined to withdraw funding for the Dudley Environment Zone at Robert St., Gornal - then announced a temporary respite for the facility.

Speaking at the North Dudley Area Committee meeting, held at Parkes' Hall Study Centre, Cllr. Charles Fraser MacNamara told the audience that he had never understood why the cost of the Environment Zone fell under his budget in the first place, rather than that of the Education Department. However, sitting just a few seats away from him was the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning, John Freeman, who confirmed that there was no money available in his coffers.

The basic argument appears to be that if local schools think that the Zone is worthwhile, they should be paying for it themselves. To this end, Mr. Freeman stated that schools were getting a large increase in their budgets. An unconvinced member of the audience, Robert St. School Headteacher John Crichton, accepted the need for an external business plan but pleaded for a twelve month breathing space.

Mr. Fraser MacNamara did announce a stay of execution for the Zone, saying that funding will continue for 6 months from April 2004. The Councillor appeared to expect, and did in fact receive from certain quarters, some appreciation for this grand gesture. One is reminded of Mark Antony, who claimed that Cicero owed him a favour, because he could have had him killed at Brundisium, and had chosen not to. Said Cicero:

That, Senators, is what a favour from such people amounts to. They refrain from murdering someone, then they boast that they have spared him! *


*Antony was less generous to Cicero when the next opportunity arose! -->
